There’s a scene very early on in this where one of the characters is taking pictures with his hand over his camera’s lens. Then he does it again. And then again, but from a closer angle. He basically just carries on doing until there’s absolutely no doubt that everyone in the audience has noticed what’s going on. Unfortunately it never really gets any better.
Every conversation is just an awkward word soup between characters who seem to be completely ignoring one another, and I have no idea what the story is supposed to be. On the surface it seems like it might have something to say, but I’m not convinced that it’s anything more than a lazily put together vacuum of a vanity project. As evidenced by it not crediting a single writer.
All this really amounts to is a film that exists for no other reason than that someone had the time, money and ego to make it. I don’t think it serves any purpose other than a credit on someone’s IMDb profile, and I can’t imagine why anyone other than the people in it would take anything from it. An absolute waste of 80 minutes.